Contributed by Cathleen Gillies
This post begins a series profiling how individual women voters discern their choice on the 2016 Presidential ticket. Please feel free to comment and question and join in the discussion. (Comments are monitored so they do not appear immediately. Please see the Policy on Comments.) ~Editor
Greetings All. My name is Cathleen Gillies. I am a Catholic wife, mother, bond salesman and pro-life advocate.
On the 2016 Presidential ticket, I have decided to vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. I’d like to share the reasons for my decision with the readers of NewFeminism.co.
This decision was not particularly difficult for me personally. While I recognize that he has come across as rude and brash from the beginning, I felt that Donald Trump was laying the truth on our nation. I feel that he is standing up for all the people the ruling class holds in contempt: people of faith, the working class people and the people who live in the heartland of our nation. Theses people, who include me, have been taken for granted and ignored by both parties.
I love that Trump is not afraid to call Christmas, Christmas.
As a Catholic and a pro-lifer, I am very concerned about religious liberty and life issues. Although I’m not 100% certain what Trump is going to do, I definitely know what Hillary Clinton’s plans to do and this SCARES ME.
I’ve been impressed by Trump’s small, human gestures Trump sent a personal note to my husband’s cousin after learning that his mother and our cousin’s mother were born in the same hospital. This is not the blustering bigot the media tries to present.
I am convinced that the media takes Trump’s word and language out of context. To me, he comes across as teaching people to “please grow up and let’s talk real.” I appreciate this.
I also personally met and greeted Hillary Clinton who left me feeling cold.
Clinton represents to me the biggest hypocrite – she lies and attempts to cover up who she is, where as with Trump what you see is what you get. He’s refreshing.
Pro-life issues remain a primary concern of mine. We know that Trump has been a pro-life crusader in this election and we know that Clinton knows that an unborn child is a human being but says these children have no rights at all. From Clinton’s track record we know she pushes pro-abortion agenda. Donald Trump he’s provided a list of potential Supreme Court nominees who are all pro life.
He is not anti-immigrant but he will stand up to follow the laws that protect our nation from people who want to break the laws and or attack us. Our current administration is failing to do this.
For all of his vanity and showman ship – I get the feeling that he is a patriot at heart and cares about his country. I can’t say this about Hillary Clinton and her dealings with selling the government to people who paid her Clinton Foundation money. Foreign countries that funded the foundation now have direct access to the US government. This angers and scares me – because these countries don’t share my values especially since the countries hate women and children.
I don’t consider Hillary Clinton trustworthy. I’ll take my chance with Donald Trump.
I ask all my fellow sisters in Christ to Pray. Pray. Pray. For Catholic women, please join me in confession, Mass and Rosary.
Agreed! Catholic and Evangelical women for Trump!